Title: Road Safety Awareness among College Students in a North Indian Town

Author: Dr J Mukhopadhyay

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i9.170


Background: Road traffic accident (RTA) has been posing an inconceivable public health challenge. RTA related mortalities attained a new apogee that merits attention. Road safety awareness is imperative in averting RTAs. Considering amassing upsurge of RTAs, it was decided to study road safety awareness and its practice among college students, ascertain allied findings if any and suggest preventive measures. 

Methods: 200 under-graduate students of a college in a north Indian town were studied during July-August 17. Institutional approval and individual consent were obtained. A pretested structured proforma was introduced including demographic attributes, awareness and knowledge of road traffic safety and practice of traffic regulations. The data obtained was tabulated and statistically analysed.

Result: 76% students were above 20 with mean age of 20.6 ±1.07 years. 74 to 80% knew the common road safety measures; girls were significantly more knowledgeable. Above 90% girls and 73 % boys identified most of the common traffic signs. Non-compliance of traffic rules varied from 20.76% to 66.98%; it was higher among boys and inexperienced students. Among RTA defaulters, 60.7% overtook wrongly, 85.7% and 82.1% didn’t follow speed limit and lane discipline respectively; findings are significant. 32.1% RTA occurred due to ‘faulty overtaking’ and 25% due to ‘use of mobile while driving’. ‘High speed skids’ and ‘collision while changing lane’ resulted RTA in 21.4% cases each.

Conclusion: Recapitulation of knowledge to stimulate and motivate students through periodic road safety programs to ensure action according to safety conventions is suggested. 

Key Words: RTA, Road safety awareness, College students.


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Corresponding Author

Dr J Mukhopadhyay

Assoc Prof, Community Med Dept,

NC Med College, Panipat, Haryana-132107

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Mob – 9468189070