Title: Clinical Profile of Bleeding per Rectum in Children between 1 and 12 years of Age- Prospective Study

Authors: Dr K. Thilakavathi MD[PED], Dr Sumathi Bavanandam M.D; D.C.H; D.M (Gastro), Dr Nirmala Dheivamani, M.D; D.C.H; D.M (Gastro), Dr B. Bhaskar Raju, M.D; D.C.H;  MNAMS; D.M (Gastro)

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i9.142


Introduction: Bleeding per rectum in children is not uncommon and has diverse etiology.

Aim: clinical profile, outcome of colonoscopy in south Indian children with rectal bleeding is not available.

Materials and Methods: A prospective two years study (2006-08), is conducted to analyze the clinical and etiological profile of rectal bleed in children between 1-12 years of age at Institute of Child Health & Hospital for Children, Chennai, a large tertiary care pediatric center in southern India. Demographic details, clinical profile and colonoscopic findings were entered in a prestructured proforma and were analyzed.

Results: The mean age of occurrence of bleeding per rectum is 5.4 + 1.9 years without statistical significance between urban and rural children with equal male female distribution. Solitary juvenile polyp is an important cause of rectal bleed in children. Colonoscopy is a safe procedure and has both diagnostic and therapeutic role in children with bleeding per rectum.

Keywords: Bleeding per rectum, Colonoscopy, Children.


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Corresponding Author

Dr K. Thilakavathi MD [PED]

Senior Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Government Villupuram Medical College, Villupuram

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