Title: A Study to asses and compare patients characteristics and maternal and perinatal outcome in pregnancy complicated by APH due to placenta praevia and placenta abruption at teaching hospital, Bikaner, Rajasthan

Authors: Kamlesh Yadav, Pratibha, Deval Rathore

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i9.127


Background: Placenta praevia and Abruptio placenta are the two major causes of antepartum haemorrhage worldwide and in india as well.

Methods: The material for this study comprises of 200 cases of antepartum haemorrhage admitted in PBM Hospital, Bikaner from Dec.2015 to Nov.2016. Out of 200 cases of APH 100 cases were of placenta praevia and 90 were of abruptio placenta.

Results: Maxium case of placenta praevia and abruption placenta in <20 Yrs age group.  Maxium case of placenta praevia in multipara. 38.18% case of placenta praevia delivered by LSCS.

Conclusion: Antepartum haemorrhage is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality which could be prevented by early registration, regular antenatal care, early detection of high risk cases, and early referral to higher centre.

Keywords: Antepartum haemorrhage, abruption placentae, placenta praevia, post partum haemorrhage.


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Corresponding Author

Deval Rathore

Resident Doctor, Deptt of Obstetrics & Gynecology

S.P. Medical College & PBM Hospital, Bikaner