Title: Sal (shorea robusta) in vrana ropana (wound healing)- A Clinical Study

Authors: Dr Santosh Kumar Gupta, Dr Mahendra Pd. Singh, Dr D.S.Verma

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i9.24


During this fast life every person fell into some or the other injuries due to trauma; either it may occur on roads with some weapons, in office or even in kitchen while doing household work. Acharya Sushruta has described six types of wounds which occur accidentally by sharp or blunt instruments called sadyo vrana or agantuja vrana (Su.Chi. 2/9).

So, after going through different texts it has been found that resin of shorea robusta has been described to have good healing property. It is a good disinfectant, antiseptic and fumigant.

30 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria of wound were randomly selected from OPD/IPD, Deptt. Of shalya, G.A.C.H., Patna. Dressing of the wound with the above drug was done to the subjects. The results were assessed in pre and post treatment designed proforma. In this group bleeding was completely relieved whereas more than 90% relief was obtained in pain, tenderness, size. Symptoms like itching sensation, color, surface, smell, discharge were relieved upto 50 to 75 % respectively. The details of drug action, statistics, reports are as below.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Santosh Kumar Gupta

MD (Ay), AMO, Dist. Ayu. Hosp. Raigarh. 9584338909