Title: The determination of age by relation of eruption of third molar teeth with development of individual in Bikaner population

Authors: Dr Rakesh Garg, Dr Manoj Garg

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i8.212


Background: The human dentition was able to resist degradation and decay, long after other tissues are lost. This resistance of decay that has made teeth useful indicators for assessing variations in diet, expression of metabolic diseases, and calculation of age at the time of death. This study is attempt to highlight the relation of the development of individual and eruption of third molar teeth in various age groups in both sexes by radiograph in Bikaner population.

Material & Methods: The randomized controlled trial study was conducted in the department of forensic medicine & toxicology and radio-diagnosis department in P.B.M hospital, Bikaner, Rajasthan. Total number of cases 250 (105 girls and 145 boys) both sexes, bearing age group between 13- 25 years. The candidate were chosen from different schools, colleges and outdoor in P.B.M hospital, in Bikaner city. Only those cases were selected whose exact date of birth was verified by the school/ college authority subjects residing for more than 10 years in Bikaner city were included in the study.

Results: In our study showed different socioeconomic status (Upper class, Middle class & Low class) in relation to different age groups (13-14 years to 24-25 years) in boys & girls, maximum subjects were occurred in middle class and onset of menarche in respective age such as 12-13 years, 13-14 years and 14-15 years and 13.3%, 69.5% & 17.1% respectively.

Conclusion: Socio-economic status, racial and physical characters have no effect on the eruption and development of various stages of third molar teeth. No significant difference was observed in the development stage of third molar teeth in girls and boys. Third molar teeth eruption alone should not be used for age estimation. Agenesis of third molar is more in case of girls than in boys.

Keywords: Eruptions, third molar, Development, age estimation, stages


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rakesh Garg

Senior Resident, Dept. of Dentistry,

S.P. Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan