Title: A Study on Topical Steroid Abuse and Its Consequences in Dermatology

Authors: Dr Eswaramurthi Balasubramanian, Dr Madhavan Ramamoorthy

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i8.207


Aim: To assess the abuse and adverse effects of inadvertent use of topical corticosteroids for various common dermatological conditions.

Materials and Methods: Fifty patients who attended our skin OPD with different dermatological problems, with history of various topical steroids application were included in our study. The type of topical medications and its contents, indication and duration of use were documented. Details of the prescriber and its effects on skin were observed and analyzed.

Results: Majority of our patients were male belonging to age group 15 to 30 years. The common indications were facial pigmentation, dermatophytosis and acne. The source of drug were mostly from pharmacist, friends and family members. Molecule mostly used were betamethasone valerate, clobetasol propionate and mometasone furoate. The common consequences we observed were acneiform eruptions, tinea incognito, erythema with telengectasias, cutaneous atrophy and striae.

Conclusion: Topical steroids should be used cautiously and judiciously. Awareness should be given regarding the indications and its consequences. Avoidance of self medication by over the counter purchase should be stressed upon. While treating children extreme care should be given regarding the selection of potency of topical steroids.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Madhavan Ramamoorthy MD (DVL)

Senior Assistant Prof., Dept of Dermatology, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

Contact: 9442138066, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.