Title: Histopathology of Appendicectomy Specimen: A 5 Year Hospital Based Study

Authors: Dr Bharti Devi Thaker, Dr Deepti Gupta, Dr Kailash Singh

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i6.161


Introduction: Appendix is a tube like organ that sits at the junction of small intestine and large intestine and its function is unknown.  Appendicectomy is most commonly performed for acute appendicitis. This study was conducted over a period of 2 years retrospectively to study the the pattern of lesions (non neoplastic and neoplastic) in the appendecetomy specimen.

Result: Out of 550 appendicectomy specimen received during the study period, 545 cases (99 %) were found to be involved by non neoplastic lesions and only 5 cases (1%) were neoplastic. The cases age ranged from 4 years to 80 years with mean age of 34 years. Male cases (71.6%) were more as compared to female cases (28.3%). Most common histopathological spectrum seen was Acute appendicitis (65.4% )  followed by  Acute appendicitis with periappendicitis (25.4%), Early acute appendicitis (4%), Vermiform appendix (2.5%), Chronic fibrosing appendicitis(1.6%), carcinoid (4 cases)  and  mucinous cystadenoma (1cases). The most common clinical presentation was pain right iliac fossa (76%).

Conclusion: Appendicitis is the most common histopathological diagnosisi. Maximum number of cases are seen in the 2nd to 4th decade. Pain in the right iliac fossa is the most common presenting symptom.

Keywords- Appendix, Appendicitis, Appendicectomy.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Bharti Devi Thaker

Mobile No. 9419796784

Email: bharti68@ gmail.com