Title: The Effectiveness of Mobilization and Thera band Exercises for Ankle Sprain

Authors: Dr G Hari Babu M.P.T (Ortho), Dr Bijju Ravindran, Dr V.Kiran  M.P.T (Cardio Respirtory), Dr A.Kiran Kumar M.P.T (Neuro), Dr R Sreekar Kumar Reddy M.P.T (Ortho), Dr K.Subbiah

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i6.69



Ankle sprains are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries.1 It estimate that one ankle sprain occurs per 10,000 person per day. 85% of ankle injuries are sprain and only a small percentage are caused by ankle ligament rupture.2

Ankle sprain are one of the most common orthopedic injuries occurring equally in both sex and age. Ankle sprain results when the ligaments of the ankle have been stretched beyond their limits. Lateral ankle sprain are among the most common injuries incurred while performing both daily living and sports activities. The rate of the recurrence for the lateral ankle sprain has been reported to be high as 70%.3 Ligamentous ankle injuries are the most common sports trauma ,accounting for 10-30% of all injuries.4


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Corresponding Author

Dr G Hari Babu M.P.T (Ortho)

Professor, Department of Physiotherapy,

Narayana Medical College and Hospitals, Nellore