Title: Comparison of Brain Magnetic Reasoning Imaging (MRI) Image Information between T1 Turbo Inversion Recovery (TIR) With T2 Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (Flair) in Case of Epilepsy

Authors: Jeffri Ardiyanto, Agung Tri Pambudi, Sudiyono, Rasyid, Dwi Rochmayanti, Edy Susanto, Ardi Soesilo W

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i6.64


Background: Examination MRI of brain coronal oblique slices in cases of epilepsy is usually performed using T1 turbo inversion recovery (TIR) ​​or T2 fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences.

Objective: The purpose of this research is to determine the differences in MRI of brain image information between the sequences of T1 TIR and T2 FLAIR coronal oblique slices in cases of epilepsy and to find out the better image information between the two sequences.

Methods: This research is a quantitative study with an experimental approach. Data were collected from June to August 2016 in Radiology of   General Hospital Haji Surabaya by using a questionnaire to the two respondents. Wilcoxon test is used to determine the means   differences in image information generated by  T1 TIR and T2 FLAIR sequences. The calculation is aided with SPSS 16 software.

Results: There are differences in  MRI  brain image information   between  T1 TIR and T2 FLAIR sequences coronal oblique slices in cases of epilepsy with a p-value = 0.008 (p <0.05). This difference is due to the characteristics of different parameters between the two sequences and time inversion 0f T1 TIR is shorter than T2 FLAIR.  The results show that the mean rank of T1 TIR is 5.00 and T2 FLAIR is 0.00. At MRI brain coronal oblique slices in the case of epilepsy, T1 TIR sequence is   better than the T2 FLAIR because it can reveal the anatomy of the brain more clear and informative as well as the anatomy of the gray matter, white matter, and hippocampus while on the anatomy of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) there is no significant difference between T1 TIR and T2 FLAIR sequences.

Conclusion: There are differences in MRI brain image information between T1 TIR and T2 FLAIR sequences coronal oblique slices in cases of epilepsy.

Keywords: MRI brain, T1 TIR, T2 FLAIR, coronal oblique slices, epilepsy.


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Corresponding Author

Jeffri Ardiyanto

Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

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