Title: Conn’s Syndrome Masquerading as Hypokalemic Paralysis

Authors: Rashmi KP, Gomathy S

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i6.40


Hypertension is a globally prevalent disease with significant morbidity and mortality. While the usual presentation is non- specific, or related to end-organ symptoms like dizziness, headache, encephalopathy, cerebrovascular accident, palpitations, acute pulmonary odema, aortic dissection or renal failure, we report an atypical presentation where the patient presents to the Emergency Department with hypokalemia related weakness, and step-wise sequential evaluation lead to the detection of Secondary Hypertension, and Primary Aldosteronism due to a left Adrenal Adenoma.


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Rashmi KP