Title: Awareness Regarding Mother to Child Transmission of HIV among Antenatal Patients Attending Antenatal Clinic in a Tertiary Medical Hospital, Bangalore

Authors: Dr Harshadayani, Dr Jagadevi, Dr Padmashri

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i6.04


 Introduction: In India due to lack of information ,testing services and antiretroviral therapy HIV continues to be a problem.1-4 Prevention of MTCT of HIV requires a comprehensive set of interventions requiring   health  workers.6-7 It starts with testing pregnant women for HIV preferably during their first antenatal visit when giving their test results .8-9

Aim: Evaluation of Awareness of perinatal transmission of HIV to newborn baby among antenatal mothers attending ANC clinic.

Objective: To assess knowledge regarding mother to child   transmission of HIV among antenatal patients.

Material and Methods:  Study design- It is a cross sectional study.

Study area- Tertiary care hospital.

Sampling method- Non probability convenience sampling.

Population - All pregnant women   seeking for antenatal checkup, were interviewed, study was conducted for a period of 3 months.

Method of data collection-Interview method is used using a semi standardized pretested questionnaire.

Result: Our study shows that majority of antenatal women had good knowledge and awareness about the disease and its occurrence in pregnancy. Most were aware of sexual transmission was main route of transmission in adults with media playing major role as source of knowledge. Awareness about mother to child transmission of HIV and their prevention was low.

Conclusion: Our study shows that awareness about HIV in pregnancy in a semi urban area is high but knowledge and awareness about mother to child transmission of HIV is low.

Keywords- awareness, HIV, mother to child transmission ,Antenatal patients, prevention.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Harshadayani

Intern Student, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Science And Research Centre, Bangalore