Title: Comparative Study of Intravenous Phenylephrine with Mephenteramine for Maintenance of Arterial Blood Pressure in Caesarean Section

Authors: Dr Sunish B.S, Dr Chitra V.R

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i5.60


Background: Anaesthesia for caesarean section has been a challenge for anesthesiologists for centuries. Advantages of regional anaesthesia especially, spinal anaesthesia has been documented as early as 1940s by Adrian et al. The advantages being simplicity of administration, reliability of action, faster onset than epidural and minimum effects on foetus. The major drawback was hypotension associated which is a result of sympathetic block. Intravenous vasopressors are the treatment of choice for the quick correction of hypotension. This study was undertaken to compare the effects of phenylephrine and mephenteramine for maintenance of blood pressure during caesarean section.


1.      To compare the hemodynamic effects in the mother caused by phenylephrine and mephenteramine after spinal anaesthesia using 0.5 % Bupivacaine.

2.      To assess the requirement of repeated doses of each drug for maintenance of arterial pressure.

3.      To assess  the effects on neonate by APGAR score.

4.      To look for side effects if any, caused by the drugs.

Keywords: Hypotension, Casarean section, Phenylephrine, Mephenteramine.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Chitra V.R

Associate Professor ,Govt .Medical College,  Thiruvananthapuram