Title: Prevalence of Myopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Authors: Dr Srikantan Sreedharan Pillai, Bhurkunde Rajesh Baba Rao

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i4.201


Background: Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90% cases of diabetes and is expected to affect almost 8% of the world population by 2030.The incidence of Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise in developing countries. Type 2 Diabetes is associated with both microvascular and macrovascular complications. Diabetic skeletal muscle disease or myopathy, a much less studied complication of poorly controlled diabetes, is also a common clinical condition characterised by a lower muscle mass and an overall reduced physical activity. Hence this study was undertaken to determine the affection of muscle in Type 2 Diabetes.


1.      To find out the prevalence of  myopathy in type 2 diabetes

2.      To find out  the association of Myopathy with the duration of diabetes as well as the type of treatment.

Materials and Methods: 150 patients with type 2 diabetes was taken up for the study. They were assessed for the presence of Myopathy based on history, clinical examination and lab investigations.

Results: The prevalence of myopathy was found to be 17.3%. 60.9% of diabetic patients with myopathywere having duration more than 20 years.  83.3% of Diabetic patients with Myopathy were on oral hypoglycemics. Among the muscle groups  the proximal muscles of the lower limb were maximally involved .followed by distal muscles of the lower limb

Conclusions: From our study the prevalence of  Myopathy was 17.3%. .There was a significant association of myopathy with Duration of Diabetes more than 20yrs.In addition there was a significant association of  Myopathy with Oral Hypoglycemic Agents. Proximal muscles of the lower limb was the predominant muscle group involved.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Srikantan Sreedharan Pillai

Additional Professor, Department of General Medicine

Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram