Title: Testicular Biopsy in Male Infertility

Authors: Dr P Lekshmi Ammal, Dr S. Krishna Das

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i4.143


Background: The evaluation of the infertile male includes a thorough history taking, physical examination Semen analysis, hormonal array and search for anti sperm antibody.  Additional tests include Trans rectal ultrasound, vasography and testicular biopsy. The latter is particularly useful in cases of azoospermia or oligozoospermia and normal endocrine function.

Objective: To identify and categorize various histopathological findings seen in testicular biopsies of men with infertility.

Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study were data was collected from the case records of infertile couples who attended my clinic.  Semen analysis was done for all infertile couples and those with azoospermia underwent testicular biopsy.  Histopathological results were classified into seven categories.

Results: Out of 200 infertile couples included in this series 75 had semen abnormalities. Out of this 55% (41 cases) were azoospermia. 24 men underwent testicular biopsy. Maturation arrest constituted 37.5% of cases followed by sertoli cell only syndrome (29%).

Conclusion: According to the present study maturation arrest is the commonest pattern in testicular biopsies taken from azoospermiac male.

Keywords: Testicular biopsy, Hypospermatogenesis, maturation arrest.


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Corresponding Author

Dr P Lekshmi Ammal

Associate Professor, SRMC & RC, Trivandrum