Title: Soft Tissue Lesions of Vulva: Histomorphology Vs Immunohistochemistry of These Rare Entities

Authors: Niloy Pathak, Atoshi Basu

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i3.215


Soft tissue lesions of the vulvo-vaginal tract are uncommon entities and are likely to be confused clinically with more common lesions like Bartholin’s cyst or fibro epithelial polyp. Due to a common cell of origin, both histomorphology and immunohistochemistry are essential for correct diagnosis. Due to the rarity of the lesions there is limited data on the biological behaviour of these lesions. However, correct diagnosis of these benign lesions from more aggressive ones prevents unnecessary follow-ups

Keywords: Soft tissue lesion, Vulvovagina, Angiomyofibroblastoma, Angiomyoma, Angiomyxoma.


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Corresponding Author

Niloy Pathak

Command Hospital