Title: Determination of Age from Epiphyseal Union of Bones at Shoulder Joint in Boys in Bikaner Region

Authors: Dr Sanjeev Buri, Dr Pramod Kumar Saini, Dr Amit Joshi, Dr Manoj Garg

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i3.127


Background: The study of epiphyseal union of bones is considered a reasonably accurate and accepted method for age determination. There is a variation in the timing of appearance and fusion of the epiphyses of the bones. So, the present work is to investigate the ages of epiphyseal union around shoulder joint radiologically in boys Bikaner region.

Material & Methods: The present study has been conducted on 107 boys falling in the age group of 14-25 years, which are selected randomly from various local educational institutions, neighbourhood of various faculty members and staff as well as cases attending the OPD of the Forensic Medicine Department of PBM Hospital, Bikaner.

Results: In our study shows the complete fusion seen in 16-17 years of age group of the coracoids process, 19-20 years of age group of acromian process and 18-19 years of age group of the head of humerus in boys.

Conclusion: In concluded that determine whether an individual has already reached the criminal responsibility age (18 years) or not; evaluation of epiphysis of shoulder joint closure is important after closure of hand and wrist bone epiphyses just before evaluation of iliac crest and ischial tuberosity fusion.

Keywords: Epiphysis, Coracoids process, acromian process, head of Humerus.


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Dr Sanjeev Buri

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