Title: Effectiveness of Imparting Education and Giving Demonstration in Small Group of Women for Promotion of Breast Self Examination: An Experience in Rural Areas of Jaipur District, Rajasthan

Authors: Manju Singhi, Mradula Singh, Shalu Gupta, A K Dixit

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i3.74


Effectiveness of imparting education and giving demonstration in small groups of women  for promotion of Breast Self Examination: An experiance in rural areas of Jaipur district, Rajasthan.

Abstract- Breast cancer is a major Public health concern and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among women (14.3%). With the rising incidence of breast cancer and absence of any uniform Breast screening strategy, it is important to impart the knowledge and promote BSE practice among women. The present paper aims to study the effectiveness of  imparting education and giving demonstration in small group of women for promotion of Breast Self Examination for early detection of the breast cancer and the  factors which hinders with the uptake of the technique and what  could be planned to improve the current scenario for its sustainability. The present study was undertaken in Model Rural Health Research Unit, Department of Health Research, Government of India at Bhanpur Kalan, Jaipur, Rajasthan in the  year 2015-16 among 595 women (20-65 years age). Results have shown that overall  knowledge of breast cancer and about sign & symptoms  of the disease was increase to 97.78 % from 4.11% initial knowledge and  89.41 % women started doing BSE practice. Enhanced Knowledge and awareness of BSE practice resulted in the detection of early sign and symptoms by the women in the study group. Study results have shown BSE as one of the most feasible, sustainable, cost  free, simple and non-invasive intervention carried out by the women themselves in early detection of breast cancer. Results derived from these studies will help the program managers and healthcare professionals to modify and strengthen the existing strategies so that the greatest challenge of late presentation can be minimized.

Keywords: Breast cancer, Breast self-examination, sign & symptoms & awareness.


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Corresponding Author

A K Dixit

Desert Medicine Research Centre (ICMR)

New Pali Road, Jodhpur, 342003