Title: Octogenarian with Chronic Low Back Ache, Decreased Balance Unilateral Leg Muscle Atrophy Treated with Physiotherapy – Evidence Based Case Study Report

Author: Dr S.S.Subramanian

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i2.125


Octogenarian subject with chronic lowback ache, disturbed balance, requiring hand support for walking and moderate dependence for his daily activities was treated with evidence based physiotherapy on clinical evaluation. With a frequency of twice a week in 4 months duration he is able to walk unaided, improved balance and Oswestry functional subjective score from 70% to 40%. Chronic pain, decrease in balance and increased dependence for daily activities can be enhanced with physical therapy with due clinical evidence, an 84 year old patient exhibiting adequate prognosis is the major outcome of this case report.

Keywords: Oswestry Disability Index, Visual Analogue Scale, British Geriatric Society (BGS), American Geriatric Society (AGS) Sarcopenia.


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Corresponding Author

Dr S.S.Subramanian

M.P.T (Orthopaedics), M.S (Education), M. Phil (Education), Ph.D (Physiotherapy)

The Principal, Sree Balaji College Of physiotherapy, Chennai – 100

Affiliated To (Bharath) University, BIHER Chennai – 73

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