Title: Assessment of Thyroid Functions in Critically Ill Patients

Authors: Rohit Herekar, G.H. Tilve

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i2.121


Background: The thyroid function tests triiodothyronine, thyroxine and thyrotropin are abnormal in critical illness.  The pattern of abnormality depends on the severity of disease and thyroidal hormones can help in prognosis of patients.

Methods: 50 Critically ill patients were enrolled in study with inclusion and exclusion criterias. The clinical, lab profile along with T3, T4 and their free levels along with TSH were measured.

Results: The thyroid functions were abnormal in 86 % of the critically ill patients. The low T3 syndrome constituted most common abnormality (44.18%). In the thyroid functions T3, free T3 , T4 and Free T4 were deranged, the values of TSH were normal . In thyroid function the low T3 T4 syndrome was associated with mortality and thyroid hormones  T3, T4, free T4 were associated with poor outcome of the patients.         

Conclusions: The thyroid functions are abnormal in critically ill patients and it is worthwhile to associate the outcome of critically ill patients depending on the abnormality of thyroid functions


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rohit Herekar

Assistant Professor GMC Miraj, India

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