Title: A Study on Assessment of Relationship between Blood Glucose and Serum Lipids in Patients of Dyslipidemia Receiving Atorvastatin

Authors: Gauri Hari Kasabe, Smita Anand Tiwari, Balasaheb Baburao Ghongane

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i2.112


Background: Atorvastatin and Lovastatin the most commonly used lipid lowering impair glucose tolerance; Simvastatin reduces insulin secretion while Pravastatin has been shown to increase adiponectin, improving insulin sensitivity and inhibiting gluconeogenesis. For these reasons, in February 2012 the United States Food and Drug Administration mandated labeling changes for all statins except Pravastatin. Objective of the study  was to study the relationship between blood glucose and serum lipids in patients of Dyslipidemia receiving Atorvastatin

Methods: A prospective, single center study that was conducted in of total of 60 subjects. Newly diagnosed patients suffering from dyslipidemia, according to NCEP ATP III Guidelines (National Cholesterol Education Program, Adult Treatment Panel III).These are divided in 2 groups (n= 30 each). GROUP 1-patients having dyslipidemia with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and GROUP 2-patients having dyslipidemia without Diabetes Mellitus.

Conclusion: With the results of present study 10 mg/day of Atorvastatin for 6 months did not affect FBG or PPBG in Non-diabetic patients significantly, but there was a significant deterioration in the blood glucose control - fasting and post-prandial, in the diabetic patients after 6 months and 3 months of drug use respectively. Atorvastatin 10 mg is an effective hypolipidemic drug and has adequate   lipid lowering effects in diabetic and non-diabetics.

Key Words: Atorvastatin, Dyslipidemia,bloodglucose,serum lipids, correlation.


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Gauri Hari Kasabe

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