Title: Presentation of Amoebic Liver Abscess as Massive Pleural Effusion and Reactive Pericarditis

Authors: Sudhir Mor, Pulkit Chhabra, Deepak Jain, Ajit Singh, H K Aggarwal

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i2.04


Amoebic liver abscess is caused by Entamoeba histolytica, which is commonly prevalent in tropical countries like India. Although fever and right sided pleural effusion are commonly reported complications of amoebic liver abscess; massive pleural effusion with entirely opaque right hemithorax due to hepatopleural fistula and pericarditis are less commonly reported as presenting feature of the disease. Here we report a case of amoebic liver abscess presenting with fever, massive pleural effusion and reactive pericarditis. Patients was managed on antimicrobial treatment with intercostals tuber drainage and patient responded well to the treatment.


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Corresponding Author

Sudhir Mor

Postgraduate Student

Deptt. of Medicine, Pt B D Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana