Title: Clinical Profile of Anemia in Elderly population

Authors: Dr Pradnya Diggikar, Dr P.K.Satpathy, Dr Kanishka Jain, Dr Puneet Bhuwania, Dr Deepak Baldania, Dr T.Venu Babu, Dr Anuja Patil, Dr Prafull Chahjjed

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i9.57


Background:-Anemia is a common concern in older people and can have significant morbidity and mortality. Because anemia is a sign, not a diagnosis, an evaluation is almost always warranted to identify the underlying cause

Methods:- Cross sectional hospital based study was carried out, of elderly patients with history of anemia for 1 yrs duration. Each patient was screened for anemia. Standard protocols were used to make diagnosis of anemia.

Results:Out of 100 elderly anemic patients, 55 were females and 45 were males. 28 patients had microcytic anemia, 62 patients had normocytic anemia. 6 patients had macrocytic anemia. Two patients who had pancytopenia picture and two patients had dimorphic picture.  Normocytic anemia was the most common blood picture in patients having an underlying malignancy. Microcytic anemia was the next common picture,

Conclusions:Failure to evaluate anemia in elderly could lead to delayed diagnosis of potentially treatable conditions. Nonspecific symptoms like fatigue and weakness should not be ignored in the geriatric population as they could be important pointers towards presence of anemia in these patients. An effort should always be made to reach etiological diagnosis before instituting specific therapy.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Kanishka Jain

Resident Department of Medicine