Title: Survival Outcome of Infants in NICU - A Three Year Review

Authors: Prof B I Sasireka, Dr D M Christe, Prof S Baby Vasumathi

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i9.51


Aim: To retrospectively review survival rates and to assess the survival outcome of infants admitted in Newborn Intensive Care Unit [NICU].

Methods: The case records of all infants admitted in NICU, from 2012 to 2014 were scrutinized. Morbidity data detailing complications of admitted babies and medical complications of their mothers was noted. The birth weight, gestational age at birth of admitted babies, and the details of discharge from NICU were noted.

Results: Admission of neonates in the NICU, had risen from 31.4% of live births in 2012 to current rates of 39.06 % of live births in 2014. Major causes for admission were low birth weight and prematurity, followed by jaundice and birth asphyxia. The overall survival rate was 89.6% in 2012, and risen to 91.6% in 2013 and 91.7% in 2014.

Conclusion: Among extreme premature group of babies [GA (gestational age) < twenty eight weeks] there was a steady increase in survival rates yearly and in 2014, 14% of babies survived. There was no change in survival rates of moderate preterm group [GA 32 to 33 weeks] and in the late preterm group [GA 34 to < 37 weeks ] , there was an increase in survival rates by 4%. Term babies of GA 37 to 42 weeks had survival rates of 95% in 2013 and 96%  in 2014.

Keywords : survival  neonates , Newborn  intensive care , NICU , preterm, small for  date 


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Corresponding Author

Dr D M Christe

MBBS DGO PhD, Medical Research Officer

ICMR-HRRC NIRRH-FU, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 09789085577