Title: Prevalence of Consumption of Tobacco/Tobacco-Products and Associatoion with Educational Status among Patients from Rural-Urban Areas of Jaipur District in Rajasthan – A Cross Sectional Study

AuthorsDr H.P. Paliwal, Dr Ankit Manglunia, Dr Surbhi Chaturvedi, Dr Prakhar Garg, Dr G.N. Saxena

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i11.51


BACKGROUND: Tobacco consumption is a major Public Health issue due to its high risk and in view of its high prevalence especially in rural sector with poor financial background and poor literacy. This epidemic needs to be prevented. The Objective of this study was to find the prevalence and various ways of tobacco consumption and its association with educational status among patients of above 15 years of age from rural and urban background in Jaipur district (Rajasthan).

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross sectional study was carried out among 500 patients above 15 years of age at tertiary centre located in outskirt of Jaipur with high drainage area from all around villages as well. Pretested questionnaire was used for interview and collecting relevant data after obtaining informed consent. Data on socio-demographic profile, family members and their tobacco habits were collected.

RESULTS:- The data on complete information on age, gender, various patterns of tobacco consumption and the motivation factors of starting tobacco consumption were analysed. Out of total 500 patients in the age group of >15 years, 297 were from rural area [M-171, F-126] and 203 fromurban area [M-109, F-94]. The overall tobacco consumers were 56% (69.28% in male and 39.9% in females). In rural area the prevalence of tobacco consumption was much higher with 76.02% in males and 47.6% in females than that of in urban areas with prevalence of 58.7% and 27.65% respectively in males and females. In both rural and urban areas the prevalence was in increasing trend with advancement of age. Also prevalence was higher in persons of low educational status. The highest trend of tobacco use was smoking(biris, chillum, hookah) while the main trend of smokeless use was in Pan, Gutkha and Khaini).

CONCLUSION:- Tobacco consumption was highly prevalent in rural area and more so in persons with low literacy level as well as in those whose senior family members were also tobacco consumers. Hence it initiates an action to prevent tobacco consumption, especially among low literate and adolescents by means of increasing awareness of risk of tobacco and to improve their literacy level.

KEYWORDS: Pure Smokers, Smokeless Smokers, Socio-economic Literacy Levels.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Ankit Manglunia

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur (Rajasthan)