Title: A Spectrum of Morphological Variations in the human liver lobes and its Clinical importance; a Cadaveric Study

Authors: Dr S.Saritha, Dr Usha rani, Dr Gayatri, Dr Peter, Mrs Asra Anjum, Mrs Himabindu.N

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i1.06


Most common morphological variations of liver are irregularities in the form, shape, and presence of number of accessory lobes, accessory fissures or abnormal ligaments. Knowledge and awareness of these anomalies is useful to the clinician to rule out diseases, surgeons during segmental resection of liver and radiologist when interpreting liver radiologic findings.

The exact origin of accessory lobes of liver in man is unknown and may stimulate tumours.

Accessory fissure may mimic internal trauma at the post-mortem study. Rare abnormalities are atrophy or complete absence of one of the lobes. The developmental anomalies of liver may cause confusion to clinician during procedures like biopsy, transplantation & other important surgical or radiological   procedures.

Aim of the present study comprises a systematic analysis of the anatomical variations exhibited by 50 formalinised and glycerinated adult human livers collected from department of Anatomy, KAMSRC(Hyderabad) &KIMS (Narketpally).

Results & Conclusion: We found accessory liver lobes in 8 cadavers (16%), accessory fissures in 15 cases (30%), abnormal connection between left lobe and quadrate lobe in 2 cases (4%) and other morphological variations were also present.

Detailed knowledge of anatomical variations in the human liver could be valuable in improving diagnostic procedures .in conditions associated with some liver diseases.

Hence we undertook this comprehensive study to identify important accessory lobes and fissures.

Key words: quadrate lobe, caudate lobe, liver, accessory lobes & accessory fissures..


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Dr S. Saritha

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